Decision & Set-Up

You’re almost there! A bit of paperwork is unfortunately required, but with some support this can also be accomplished. For non-EU citizens, questions now arise in particular about the right to settle in Hamburg. The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce has provided the most important information about this topic. Citizens of the EU are equal to German citizens in matters of settlement and company formation in Hamburg. In particular, the question arises as to in which form a business activity should be started in Hamburg. The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce also provides information about this. In addition to questions of settlement and commercial registration in Hamburg, different individual questions may arise if a business is to be operated in Hamburg.

Regarding Settlement in Hamburg

When it comes to financial partners, the Fintech Hamburg team is happy to be your first sparring partner in defining suitable partners and arranging contacts. An overview of business siting projects eligible for funding is provided by the Förderlotsen (Funding Guide) of the Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank, the Hamburg Bank for Investment and Development..

The Hamburg Welcome Center is the first choice for all questions concerning the personal settlement of people/employees in Hamburg. It provides personal advice on topics ranging from residency to dental visits or schooling. For a number of cases, it is also advisable to contact lawyers and tax consultants specializing in settlement issues. Please contact our team.

Arriving in Hamburg

Now things are getting real and you need individual help with the settlement process. If you are in the city, we would be happy to meet you and have an individual discussion with you about how to proceed.

On arrival and for further networking in the city, the many international communities and networks are also helpful. Contact us – we are happy to help when it comes to putting in touch with a suitable network.

Your contact at Fintech Agency

Jan Korte

Fintech Hamburg



Robert Bojdecki

Hamburg Invest



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